Dissertation Project

For my final year dissertation project I decided to take on a research project which would help support a PhD candidate’s [Si Qiao] research into a phenomenon known as the “uncanny valley”.

The uncanny valley is a term used in 3D computer animation to explain a dip found in a theoretical graph where comfort levels drop suddenly as computer generated images realism approaches that of reality.

My work in particular focused on determine if this issue was a human specific problem or related to other species as well and I went about doing this using our common living ancestors as a test bed.

While doing this research I produced faces of humans, gorillas and chimpanzees which can be seen on this page, I’m still in the process of rendering models out and will at a later date explain my work here further with some of my findings including a Webgl / Unity method to view the models directly within the browser.

Categories: 3D, University